The Laziness Epidemic
For the past several days I’ve been thinking a lot about work ethic, patience, optimism and laziness. Seemingly unrelated, I feel all of these characteristics must work in equilibrium when in search for an “ideal” state. However, laziness, in particular, ultimately caught my attention. I think laziness is quite misunderstood. Inherently, it’s neither good nor bad; as I said before, you need a balanced amount of it. So, to reject laziness entirely is naive.
Nonetheless, I believe many people are wholeheartedly (both consciously and subconsciously) unwilling to work. It’s as simple as that. In agreeance with American Psychiatrist, Morgan Scott Peck, the antithesis of laziness is love. Quick fixes, 90 day challenges, fast results, and easy “tactics” have serve equally as consequences and causes of this non-love. Perhaps laziness is less about the quick fixes, tactics, and so on, and more about a lack of love in what you do (or not doing). Perhaps the simple fix to laziness is to simply seek love.
I know this probably seems all gooey and “extra” but really think about it. If there’s genuine love behind your work or what you do to pass your days, feelings of laziness would be hard to come by. It feels cliche to advise people to pursue love, but that doesn’t make it any less true. If you pursue love with patience, you can’t go wrong :)