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You Need Cardio, No Exceptions.

From the time I immersed myself in the fitness community, specifically the weightlifting community, I noticed the extreme disdain for cardio. “You don’t need to do cardio to lose weight,” “cardio is boring,” “you don’t need cardio to be shredded,” “I never do cardio,” “cardio is a waste of time,” the list goes on.

Over the years through observation and conversation, I realized that most people avoid cardio for one reason and one reason only: laziness. Yes, if you’ve dared to utter one of the above statements, you are lazy because guess what? The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Honestly, I don’t see any disadvantages to cardio, not one.

For me, it’s a matter of perspective. If you think cardio is boring, then you’re doing the wrong type of cardio. It’s that simple. You don’t like running on the treadmill? Well, try running outside, try incline sprints, or in the off chance you blatantly don’t like running and you ARE NOT lazy, then try swimming, biking, martial arts, and so on.

If you think cardio is a waste of time, then I’d suggest you continue you reading, because I’m going to provide 4 reasons why you NEED to be doing cardio, no exceptions.

1) Improves Heart And Lung Health

Okay, well you probably know this one already but I wouldn’t be a coach if I didn’t reiterate how beneficial cardiovascular activity for your heart and lungs. Overtime aerobic activity can lower your resting heart rate, which is one of the best ways to determine your overall health. Usually the lower the resting heart rate the more efficient the heart. Cardio can also improve lung capacity, through increased oxygen capacity and endurance. Who wouldn’t want a stronger heart, better circulation, lower blood pressure, and increased lung capacity? Our hearts are muscles, so just like any other muscle you want to strengthen, you must exercise and challenge. Strengthening your heart will help you live a better quality life affording you the level of fitness to do whatever you put your mind to.

2) Better Zzzzs.

Cardiovascular activity improves your sleep quality. Scientists don’t fully understand why aerobic activity improves sleep quality, but they know it increased the amount of deep, slow wave, sleep people have. Research shows that the effects of aerobic exercises on sleep is similar to that of taking sleeping pills. This research specifically refers to moderate aerobic activity, think: short to mid distance run, 50 - 70 percent of max heart rate.

3) Fat Loss…and more food.

This is probably the most convincing reason for you (no judgement here!). I don’t care what your bodybuilder friend told you about not needing cardio to lose weight and it’s all diet, it’s all counting calories, blah blah blah, I call bullshit! Cardio burns calories like a mother, strength training has nothing on it in that capacity. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Cardio will not only make you a better butter burner ;), but it will also allow you to eat more without sacrificing your body composition. If you’re trying to lose weight, you can in fact incorporate cardio to create that deficit (this is most effective if you don’t already have a cardio routine unless you enjoy it so much that you don’t mind doing more). Cardio gets such a bad rep when it comes to fat loss and it really shouldn’t. Cardio is no substitute for strength training and vice versa, therefore cardio has its place in every fitness, fat loss, or muscle building program.

4) Improves Brain Function.

In a study conducted by the University of British Columbia, researchers found that aerobic activity boosts the size of the hippocampus, a brains structure responsible for memory and learning. Researchers at the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland found rats that adhered to an endurance based program for eight weeks showed signs neurogenesis (new brain cell growth) while the weightlifting group did not. Some of the benefits of neurogenesis in adults include stress management, improved mood, improved reproductive health, and more.

Bonus Resources You Should Check Out:


