Less Is More
When it comes to your training and fitness goals, I’m here to tell you that less is more. Hopefully, you’re relieved to hear this, as oftentimes when first starting their fitness or performance journeys, people think that by doing the absolute most they will achieve the absolute best results. And while this is true when considering one’s effort, it is not true when considering their actions. What does that mean? Allow me to explain. “More” for most people means more workouts (increased volume) and more sweating (increased intensity). They increase the weights faster and “force” growth, and then “suddenly” become too tired and too unmotivated continue with their plan. This is called overtraining. And let me tell you, it is very easy to overtrain. Overtraining occurs when your physical activity exceeds your body’s ability to recover. Recovery is what I call “doing less.”
When trainees prioritize their recovery they are often amazed at the progress they see. You don’t need to workout 6/7 days a week, you can (though very hard) but it’s not needed. What you do need is at least 7, preferably 8, hours of sleep every night, plus a 30 minute nap (more on naps in another article). But it doesn’t end there, sleep is only one aspect of anyone’s recovery routine. Recovery routines should include low intensity cardio (i.e walking, jogging, rowing), stress management, increased rest days, optimal hydration, music, and laughing. On music and laughing, studies continue to show the benefits of both on the human body’s response to stress as well as mental health. A dose of each daily will surely improve your recovery and happiness :)
I will leave you with some actionable items. Try the following recovery routine for the next 14 days:
Sleep 8 hours every night, no excuses. I recommend 9PM - 5AM.
Drink 2 classes upon waking, 2 before lunch, and 2 more a few hours before bed.
Listen to your favorite album during your lunch break (or during your work day if you don’t have one)
Take a 30 minute walk
Watch a funny video on youtube (10 - 15 minutes)
Incorporate 3 full rest days with added 40 minute low intensity cardio
Stop bringing your phone to bed.
Practice a 10 minute breathing exercise
Once you’ve completed this, feel free to email me or DM me to share your results, I look forward to it!